Install Quota
1)-sudo apt-get install quota
2)–sudo vim /etc/fstab
And in /home we add <defaults,usrquota>
3)–sudo mount –o remount /home (-o: option)
4)–sudo vim /etc/crontab (Add following line to the end of the file)
00 23 * * 7 root /sbin/quotacheck –avug
5)–sudo /sbin/quotacheck –avug (-a: check all -v: report -u: user -g: group)
6)–Go to your own home directory and then vim .bashrc and add a line at the end
export EDITOR=vim
7) export EDITOR=vim
8)–sudo edquota –u test.user (create test.user if it doesn't exist).
Assign soft 1048576 and hard 2097152 (1048576=1GB 2097152=2GB)
soft limit: A user is able to use more space than the soft limit but only for a limit of time (usually 7 days)
hard limit: A user is not able to use more space than the hard limit
sudo edquota –t (edit the soft time limit)
sudo repquota /home (check how much space every user is using)
sudo quotaon -a (enable quota)
sudo quotaoff -a (disable quota)
Create Assign Quota Limit Script
1. cd
2. vim
groupnr=`awk –F: '{if ($1 == groupstr) print $3}' groupstr=$2 < /etc/group`
userlist=`awk –F: '{if ($4 == groupnr) print $1}' groupnr=$groupnr < /etc/passwd`
edquota –p $1 $userlist
groupnr=`awk –F: '{if ($1 == groupstr) print $3}' groupstr=$2 < /etc/group`
userlist=`awk –F: '{if ($4 == groupnr) print $1}' groupnr=$groupnr < /etc/passwd`
edquota –p $1 $userlist
3. chmod +x
4. sudo ./ <username> <maingroup>
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