
Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Install samba

Install samba

        1 sudo apt-get install samba

Change samba configuration file
/etc/samba$ sudo vim smb.conf

       ; use the name of your Samba server instead of [server name] (sv001)
       ; and your own workgroup instead of [Domain name] VTC
        netbios name = sv001
        workgroup = VTC
        encrypt passwords = yes
        server string =
       domain master = yes
        local master = yes
        preferred master = yes
        os level = 65

        security = user
        domain logons = yes

        ; logon path tells Samba where to put Windows NT/2000/XP roaming profiles
        logon path = \\%L\profiles\%u
        logon script = %g\logon.bat

        logon drive = H:
        ; logon home is used to specify home directory and
        ; Windows 95/98/Me roaming profiles location
        ; logon home = \\%L\%u\.win_profile\%m
        time server = yes

        ; the below works on Red Hat Linux – other OSs might need a different command
        add user script = /usr/sbin/useradd –d /dev/null –g users –s /bin/false –m %u
        path = /usr/local/samba/lib/netlogon
        writable = no
        browsable = no
        ; you might wish to use a different directory for your
        ; Windows NT/2000/XP roaming profiles
        path = /home/samba-ntprof
        browsable = no
        writable = yes
        create mask = 0600
        directory mask = 0700

        read only = no
        browsable = no
        guest ok = no
        map archive = yes

       path = /home/transfer
       browsable = yes
       guest ok = no
       writable = yes
       create mask = 0644
       directory mask = 0755

      path = /home/office-docs
      browsable = yes
      guest ok = no
      writable = yes
      create mask = 0660
      directory mask = 0770
        force group = office

Command Checker Samba Configuration:          

Create 3 Groups (students, teachers, office)
        sudo groupadd students
        sudo groupadd teachers
        sudo groupadd office

Creating Directory on the Samba Server
The [netlogon] and [profiles] shares defined in our new smb.conf file reference directories on the Samba Server, and it is necessary to create those directories with the proper permissions:
        # mkdir – p /usr/local/samba/lib/netlogon (-p create sub folders Like mkdir /usr/local/treat/tyer/)
        # chmod 775 /usr/local/samba/lib/netlogon
        # mkdir /home/samba-ntprof
        # chmod 777 /home/samba-ntprof
        # mkdir /home/transfer
        # chmod 755 /home/transfer
        # mkdir /home/office-docs

Change the group owner (office-docs)
       # chgrp office /home/office-docs
       # chmod 770 /home/office-docs

Restart the Samba Daemon
        # /etc/init.d/samba restart

Create folders 3 in /usr/local/samba/lib/netlogon: (teachers, students, office)
Create logon file in the each folder above:
       # /usr/local/samba/lib/netlogon$ (teachers, students, office)
       sudo vim logon.bat

In folder teachers
        net time \\sv001 /set /yes
        net use /delete T:
        net use T: \\sv001\transfer
        net use /delete O:
        net use O: \\sv001\office-docs
Before Save or Close type command :se ff=dos

In folder office
        net time \\sv001 /set /yes
        net use /delete T:
        net use T: \\sv001\transfer
        net use /delete O:
        net use O: \\sv001\office-docs
Before Save or Close type command :se ff=dos
In folder students
        net time \\sv001 /set /yes
        net use /delete T:
        net use T: \\sv001\transfer
Before Save or Close type command :se ff=dos

Change Samba root password
        sudo smbpasswd -a root
Synchronize time
        sudo ntpdate

Create script file (/home/vtc)
rm –f passwd
cp /etc/passwd .
rm –f shadow
cp /etc/shadow .
rm –f group
cp /etc/group .
rm –f smbpasswd
cp /etc/samba/smbpasswd .

Create script file in vtc user (/home/vtc)
# (-s /bin/false we don't allow user to logon to server)
useradd –s /bin/false –g $2 –G $3 –m $1
# (R: recursive)
chmod -R 700 /home/$1
# (force: don't show warnings)
# (.??* we remove any file with 3 or more letters)
rm –Rf /home/$1/.??*
# (-a: add smbuser)
smbpasswd –a $1
# (-p: protoname or template)
edquota –p test.user $1
# backup password files automatically

Assign execution rights to script
        chmod 700
   chmod 700
Copy Default User
        sudo cp –R Default\ User/ /usr/local/samba/lib/netlogon
Create the new users and then
        sudo ./ <username> <maingroup> <additional groups>
        eg. # sudo ./ test.user office users,internet
Samba Users
 Assign the Computer for Client to login to the Domain Server
        sudo useradd –s /bin/false –d /dev/null –g users [computer name$]

Install Quota
        use quota documentation (Install Quota Share Limit Space.doc)
Join Windows Computer to Domain
Create and script
1.    cd
2.    vim
groupnr=`awk -F: '{if ($1 == groupstr) print $3}' groupstr=$2 < /etc/group`
userlist=`awk -F: '{if ($4 == groupnr) print $1}' groupnr=$groupnr < /etc/passwd`
for user in $userlist
              adduser $user $1

3.    vim
groupnr=`awk -F: '{if ($1 == groupstr) print $3}' groupstr=$2 < /etc/group`
userlist=`awk -F: '{if ($4 == groupnr) print $1}' groupnr=$groupnr < /etc/passwd`
for user in $userlist
              deluser $user $1

4.    chmod +x
5.    sudo ./ <add this group> <to members in this maingroup>
sudo ./ internet teachers
6.    sudo ./ <remove this group> <from members in this maingroup>
sudo ./ internet teachers
        id <username> (Show group and membership)
        smbstatus (Samba Status)
Delete user and password
        sudo userdel –r <username>
        sudo vim /etc/samba/smbpasswd to delete user & password
        sudo rm –r /home/samba-ntprof/user profile
Install a printer share through logon.bat
RUNDLL32 PRINTUI.DLL,PrintUIEntry /in /q /n\\computername\printername
What to do after hard disk crash and reinstallation of Linux
sudo cp /mnt/backup/files/%date%/tree/vtc/group /etc/group
sudo cp /mnt/backup/files/%date%/tree/vtc/passwd /etc/passwd
sudo cp /mnt/backup/files/%date%/tree/vtc/shadow /etc/shadow
sudo cp /mnt/backup/files/%date%/tree/vtc/smbpasswd /etc/samba/smbpasswd
sudo shutdown –r now
sudo cp –R /mnt/backup/files/%date%/tree /home

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